New Zealand is a big exporter of halal beef and lamb to the Muslim countries. A lot of the export beef and lamb are prepared halal, which are sold in the domestic market as well. It is just a matter of finding out which local retail butchery that these halal meat are supplied to. Halal chicken, on the other hand, is not as big business as halal beef and lamb. Therefore the halal status may vary. Previously, some 'Tegel' brand chicken are halal, but later, the company decides not to extend its halal policy, and therefore no longer halal. Currently, the 'Brinks' chicken holds halal certificate and it is available in some major supermarkets, but this situation may change in the future. Therefore it is good to check with FIANZ website ( from time to time. Other specialty meat which are not prepared for export like mutton, hogget and venison are generally not halal. Some local processed beef like 'silverside' may also be made from non-halal abbatoirs.