Lively eatery with colorful decor, festive vibe & food from South America, Spain & the Caribbean. The atmosphere at Carnivale is global, festive and fun - next time you're looking for a unique place to eat or hold a special event, come to the West Loop!
Added on February 16, 2018 and last updated 7 years ago
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This restaurant is listed as sourcing some/all of its meat from a known supplier of Halal meat. This means that the management or employees of this restaurant may not be aware of their own halal status if asked. However, they may be able to confirm their meat supplier is Creekstone Farms, in which case you can proceed if you feel comfortable eating there. Feel free to click on the name of the supplier and/or certifier listed in the Halal summary to learn more about their Halal procedures. Even if you do decide to eat here, we recommend you politely ask that they clean their grill and ensure no contact with non-Halal meat or alcohol. |