Halal Watch World has been involved in the Halal certification industry since 1990. Muslims of today are generally not aware of what they are consuming, even if the product says Halal. Halal Watch World was born out of the understanding that people ought to know what they are really consuming. Our service to the Muslim community helps protect our constituents by making the halal certification process more transparent. Our members have extensive qualifications, and hold degrees from some of the top universities in the world, including, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Darul Ulum Al Arabia Al Islamia (CPT), Darul Ulum Azadville (JHB), Darun Na?im Institute of Islamic Higher Education (CPT), and The School of Islamic and Social Sciences (VA). We have collaborated with organizations across the globe and have been instrumental in implementing Halal legislation in 10 states. This includes New Jerseys Halal Food Consumer Protection Law (2000), and the New York State Halal Foods Protection Act.  
Added on November 21, 2019