The Islamic Co-ordinating Council of Victoria is the major Islamic organisation responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food exports from Australia. The ICCV is the only body in the State of Victoria, Australia, recognised by the Halal authority of the Saudi Arabia Government.
The ICCV plays a positive constructive role in facilitating the exports of Halal food to Muslim countries around the world. It also monitors compliance with the legislation of importing countries that give it such authority and helps in the observance of the Shar'ia law governing Halal food production and manufacture.
As facilitator of the Halal food trade, ICCV works closely and liaises regularly with a network of industries and enterprises with an abiding interest in the Halal food trade.
They are:
- The Islamic agencies in importing countries which have authority over importation and supervision of Halal food.
- The Australia government agencies with responsibility for export health regulations and observance of importing countries' requirements.
- The Halal consumers.
The word Halal is an Arabic word meaning 'lawful' and is one of the key religious terms used in the Holy Qur'an. For meat to be identified Halal, the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim in accordance with the requirements of Islamic law. Muslim consumers purchasing Australian meat need assurances that the meat they purchase is not only safe and wholesome but has also been slaughtered and handled in accordance with Islamic law and is therefore considered Halal. Muslim consumers in importing countries are able to ascertain from their own regulatory bodies that certifying agency in the importing country is a legitimate Islamic organisation with the standing, reputation and authority from the importing country to certify Halal food. ICCV is such an organisation.
The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria on the one hand, ensures compliance with importing countries' regulations and with the Shar'ia and on the other hand, provides information, advice and supervision to help enterprises which want to produce Halal products to achieve that aim. ICCV has trained personnel who can help export enterprises to achieve the required standard for producing and manufacturing authentic Halal food.  
Added on December 31, 2007